Published: 2024-05-18

Comparative Analysis of Stock and Bond Performance in The Indonesian Capital Market

Putri Kemala Dewi Lubis, Nikasyah Limbong, Sarah Lilya saragih, Sri Wulandari Tarigan, Iqbal Syahputra

Theoretical Approaches to Change Interventions, Selecting Appropriate Interventions

Adi Wahdi, B. Herawan Hayadi, Furtasan Ali Yusuf, Yuke Ambarsari, Dadi Mulyadi

Work Family Conflict and Organizational Commitment Impact on Job Satisfaction

Asiani Sijabat, Harvey Hiariey, Selfiena Siahainenia, Merry M Pelupessy, Erlinda Tehuayo

The Role of Price as a Moderating Variable in the Influence of Product and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention

Litka Tiadoraria Br Ginting, Sugianta Ovinus Ginting, Vinny Wijaya, Fenysha Arifhienta

Online Shopping Intentions Of Tiktokshop Consumers: The Influence Of Consumer Privacy and Shopping Enjoyment Study in Department Management of Universitas Simalungun

Liharman Saragih, Fauziah Aftitah Ginting, Sharla Nasyawa Haidir, Elwi Sri Rahayu, Dwi Putri Aisyah Harahap, Rizky Okista

Analysis of Transportation Department Supervision in Roadworthy Tests of Bus Vehicles in Mimika Regency

Merlin Piagi, Dionesia Raharusun o, Maria Fatima Mote, Desi Tabuni, Stepanus Sandy

The Influence of Transportation Costs on the Prices of Basic Food Goods in Timika City

Aprilia Melssa Robaha, Immanuel Kadang Parrangan, Margaretha Kramandondo, Rahmat Arapi

Break Event Point Analysis at Jempol Bakery

Dhella Pramestya Massa, Tuti Fitriani