
Isma Amelia
Spedy Paereng
Rulan L. Manduapessy


This study aims to investigate the role of transportation in increasing economic growth in particular at Mimika district by conducting a case study on transportation applications Maxim. In this study, the increase in economic growth is measured by the economic income of Mimika district and the impact of the presence of maxim applications on society. The results of this research show that transportation is not only a way to move both goods and people from one place to another but also transportation is one of the important factors in economic growth in the mimic region. Through the application of Maxim transportation became more integrated, efficient and has a positive impact on the public, merchants, local entrepreneurs and impact more dynamic economic growth, in addition to the above with the existence of transportation maxim opened the way for new jobs for many people. So economic growth creates positive effects that can be felt by local governments as well as the directly involved communities. The study is expected to give consideration to Mimika districts and other cities in considering the role of transport in increasing economic growth, and it is also expected to contribute to communities in using existing transportation more efficiently and effectively.


How to Cite
Amelia, I., Paereng, S., & Manduapessy, R. L. (2024). The Role of Maxim App Transportation in Increasing Economic Growth in Mimika District. ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen, 15(3), 382–385. Retrieved from http://ejournal.joninstitute.org/index.php/ProBisnis/article/view/593
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