
Liharman Saragih
Fauziah Aftitah Ginting
Sharla Nasyawa Haidir
Elwi Sri Rahayu
Dwi Putri Aisyah Harahap
Rizky Okista


In this study, researchers made a study entitled "Online Shopping Intentions Of Tiktokshop Consumers: The Influence Of Consumer Privacy On Shopping Enjoyment In E-Commerce". The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between consumer privacy and shopping satisfaction in TikTokshop E-Commerce Study in Department Management of Universitas Simalungun. This study shows that the shopping_enjoyment (X1) and consumer_privacy (X2) variable can explain its effect on the Enjoyment (Y) variable by 71.6%. The F test show that both variable (shopping_enjoyment, consumer_privacy)  can effect simultan to the online_shopping_intention. The T-test show that both of variable have value of 0.00. it means that the shopping_enjoyment (X1) and consumer_privacy (X2) have a significant effect to the online_shopping_intention in tiktok shop


How to Cite
Saragih, L., Ginting, F. A., Haidir, S. N., Rahayu, E. S., Harahap, D. P. A., & Okista, R. (2024). Online Shopping Intentions Of Tiktokshop Consumers: The Influence Of Consumer Privacy and Shopping Enjoyment Study in Department Management of Universitas Simalungun. ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen, 15(3), 349–351. Retrieved from http://ejournal.joninstitute.org/index.php/ProBisnis/article/view/530
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