Published: 2024-04-30

Strengthening small and medium enterprises (SMES) in tempe production by using entrepreneurial managerial skills

Etty Zuliawati Zed, Pepen Komarudin, Fajrul Irawan, M. Nur Fadli, Siti Rohana, Mita Fiha Afrah, Ilham Nusa.T

Analysis of talent management design in achieving radio broadcasting professionalism at LPP RRI Gunungsitoli

Puji Restu Four Zendrato, Peringatan Harefa, Sukaaro Waruwu, Delipiter Lase

Analysis of marketing strategies in increasing sales volume in Alfamidi, Gido district

Sadari Zega, Nov Elhan Gea, Maria Magdalena Batee, Serniati Zebua

Analysis of the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management (OSH) at the Search and Rescue Office, Class B, Nias

Sri Lestari Telaumbanua, Aferiaman Telaumbanua, Jeliswan Berkat Iman Jaya Gea, Maria Magdalena Batee

Influence of Human Resource Planning on Employee Performance at the District Court Office of Gunungsitoli

Amila Lahagu, Delipiter Lase, Nanny Artatina Buulolo, Syah Abadi Mendrofa

The Role of Village Government in Addressing Cultural Conflicts in Fadoro Fulolo Village, Lotu District, North Nias Regency

Fransiska Septania Zebua, Ayler Beniah Ndraha, Palindungan Lahagu, Eliagus Telaumbanua

Analysis of Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales of Building Materials at UD Tokosa West Nias District

Alfonsus Indra Baru Lahagu, Otanius Laia, Yupiter Mendrofa, Yuterlin Zalukhu

Analysis of Banua Berkah Tsunami Business Revenue as Guided by the Kanwil DJPB Central sulawesi

Dini Angraini, Santi Yunus, Yunus Sading, Rita Yunus, Meity Ferdiana Paskual

Analysis Income Palm Sugar Business Makmur Village, Palolo District, Sigi District

Muhilannuri, Rita Yunus, Chaerul Anam, Yunus Sading, Failur Rahman

Analysis of Raw Material Inventory Control Using The Economic Order Quantity Method at Geulis Bakery Store in Gunungsitoli City

Imelda Wulansari Saota, Sophia Molinda Kakisina, Perlindungan Faebuadodo Hulu, Idarni Harefa