Analysis of Palm Oil Income and Production for Farmers Joined in Cooperatives in Pakawa Village, Pasangkayu District
The agricultural and plantation sectors still play a very important role in the economy in North Mamuju Regency, the development of plantations in North Mamuju Regency is indeed very important both historically and technically. planting of plantation commodities such as cacao and oil palm. Based on these phenomena the author feels it is very necessary to look at the level of income and production among farmer community groups who are members of cooperatives, especially farmers who cultivate oil palm plants which the author sets out in a study with the title: "Analysis of Oil Palm Income and Production for Farmers Joining Cooperatives in Pakawa Village, Pasangkayu District. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The results of his research show that the income and production results of oil palm farmers who are members of the Budhi Karya cooperative have differences with farmers who are not members of the Budhi Karya cooperative in Pakawa Village, Pasangkayu District.
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