
Sutaat Sutaat


This research that is done  in University  Agama Islam Walisongo Semarang. Data used by primary data taken with questionnaire with 82 respondents for sample research. The writer did the reseach  by using purposive sampling, with  some criteria. Those criteria are the respondents have to  had level stratum -2 for level education and tree year  minimum in a work periode. Analysis appliance weared by instrument test, the test reliability, and while the test models, test the Adj R2 (coefficient of determination), Test the hypothesizing used regression analysis, test the F Test (Goodness of Fit), and test the moderation using analysis path (path analysis). The results of the analysis in this study resulted in regersi determination coefficient of 0.423, or in other words, changes in performance can be influenced by effective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment and organizational culture of 43.3%. The results of this study indicate that affective commitment does not affect the employee performance, ccontinuance commitment has the influence a significant effect on employee performance, normative commitment does not effect on employee performance, organizational culture did not moderate the influence of affective organizational commitment to employee performance, organizational culture  did’t  moderate the influence of continuance organizational commitment to employee performance and organizational culture moderates the effect of normative commitment on employee performance.


How to Cite
Sutaat, S. (2022). Analysis of Organizational Commitment against Employee Performance with Organizational Culture Moderation (Study at Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN) Semarang). ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen, 13(1), 15–18. https://doi.org/10.62398/probis.v13i1.25
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